Sunday, January 12, 2014

Lights on, Paint's Dry, Basement's wet AGAIN - Day 122

We have lights! (Most of them anyway) What a difference this makes for the house and the paint colors! The "greige" looks much better in the light than without it. We were regretting that color until the lights were in. Now, we love it.

Dining room and standard light

Kitchen, dining room, foyer and office. All standard lights.. plus my black doors. We like these so much more than we anticipated! Let's hope the flooring crews don't damage them!

The start of our rope lighting

A few tears are in this mess. It was an overwhelming day for us because our electiricians "fix it" list is huge, the flooring around our island needs braced because the island moves A LOT and actually bounces if you walk to hard or my kids run, and then we walk down to this. Again.

You can see the dirt still piled by the door. We added money in our PPIs for a concrete pad out there.... clearly you can see how that worked out. Thanks for the poor location of the dirt hill, WH Excavators.

So. Annoying. 

We already took one credit for cleaning but we are asking for another since we spent this whole weekend cleaning up mud and water. AGAIN!!!!!!!!! 
Why not see something that's a potential problem and fix it to keep others from wasting their time and money? My repeating theme in this blog is PROACTIVE VS. REACTIVE.........
We were supposed to be in this Friday, but I'm not sure that's going to happen. At all.


  1. What is the cause of the wet basement? Is it something they plan on correcting at their cost?

  2. Hi, Jodi. When they put in our walk-out door, they didn't rough grade near it at all, so the water and MUD just comes in through the door. It's actually almost directed toward the door (annoying). It also comes in on the other side where out lines come into the & plumbing come into the house (near the sump pump). It did this before too. I have no idea what their plan is for correcting it because our manager is on vacation. We will be sending WH many pictures because we spent our weekend cleaning out mud and water yet again. Technically, we are supposed to be in on Friday but it's not going to happen. Our "fix it" list is growing, so in process, just make sure you document everything and keep track of it by contractor!

  3. How awful. It's sad that you have to take time out of your days to clean up their mistakes. I have so many notes written from the stories you've shared as well as others. Some positive and some negative. We're still in the process of obtaining our land (we need variances and re-zoning), but have already met with WH and have received quotes. Do you ever regret your decision?

  4. Jodi, I am thankful that you are able to learn from us and it is our hope WH can as well. I can't say we regret our decision at the moment, however we are very aggravated. There are so many careless mistakes that we feel should have never been made if there was better attention to detail and better communication on everyone's part. Best wishes as you embark on this journey. I hope you live close by the build site so you are able to stay on top of everything!

  5. That was really bad! I wonder if it was already corrected by now. The beauty of your basement would be a waste if it will always get muddy and wet. And cleaning it will be another stressful story. Any updates?

    Gail Wallace @ Emergency Flood Masters

  6. It has all been taken care of and has been dry as a bone since the day we moved in! :)

  7. Basement flooding is really annoying. You must've gotten very frustrated when you saw all that water and mud that caused the delay in your move. However, it’s nice to know that you’ve taken good care of that issue immediately, before prolonged neglect could lead to more damage later on. I hope you won’t have any other mishaps like that in the future. All the best!

    Nathan Riley @ Stanley Steemer
